Quick Answers to Arguments for Abortion (Part 1)

“All men are equal, but some are more equal than others.”

– George Orwell, Animal Farm.

Well, today I think it best to offer some quick answers to the common arguments for abortion. I’ll not dwell on the meaty details of this topic (I’ve prepared something for later on). However, my concern at the present time is to give short answers to this wickedness—that is what it is—wickedness.

But first, the question that is often passed to me is this: Is abortion a sin? Is it really bad? I answer. YES, IT IS SIN! YES, IT IS REALLY BAD! Actually, it’s evil! In an age that has become “too careful” to give their views, I offer mine; not as arrogant—but from the viewpoint of God’s Word and the santity of life.

Abortion is evil, wickedness! Murder! Period.

Arguments for Abortion.

Argument #1: The fetus is not a human life, therefore it may be aborted/killed.

Answer. Though the fetus has not become fully developed, it does not mean it is not human. In fact, ‘the words embryo and fetus are Greek and Latin words that simply mean “young one.”‘

Also, ‘when scientists speak of a human embryo or fetus, they are not putting it in the category of another species, but are simply using technical terminology for a stage of development, like the words infant, child, adolescent, and adult.’

The fetus, then, is a life of a human. To kill the fetus is to commit murder. Period. On an intuitive level, we know this. But we’ve become masters at supressing truth. Have you ever seen how these babies are cut and put up in trash cans? Do you smile at the sight or are you brought to a quick conclusion that these are humans, murdered humans?

All unborn babies in the womb must be protected. Did you know that a child has its own genetic code from conception—’that clearly identifies it as homo sapiens—a part of the human race? The child’s DNA also has a distinct code from the mother, showing that he or she is not a part of her body, but a distinct individual living temporarily within her.’ Life within life.

Argument #2: The fetus is not fully human because it is dependent on another.

What an illogical this argument is! Fully human or not, we’ve established that the fetus is human. This argument does not justify the killing of a baby in the womb. See argument #1.

Argument #3: A woman has a right to do with her body as she desires.

That is very true!  A woman has a right (authority) to control her body. But even though all things are permitted; not all are rightfully beneficial. The woman has no right to decide whether to end the life of another, in this case, the unborn child. This is the taking of the childs freedom and abuse it to death because of often selfish “reasons” based on emotions and not logic.

Motherhood is a blessing, not an arena for shedding innocent blood.

Argument #4: Making abortion illegal would force women into dangerous, back-alley abortions.

This does not justify that “legal” abortions is any safer to say the least. Illegal or legal, still, it is murder. Period.

Argument #5: Better to die before birth than to live as an unwanted child.

Now this is a common anthem, especially today. Just recently I was reading the newspaper and a very known athlete made these remarks that it’s better to abort than end up in a foster home. She says, “the woman can do what she wants. After all, it’s my body!”

Answer. First, to assume if the child is wanted or unwanted  is to play god. That is, you decide whether to kill or not. We live in a sinful world, yes. But that does not mean there are no homes that will welcome these abandoned babies. Of course we may bring all the stories about foster homes, etc.

So then, is it loving to kill these “unwanted” babies because “you” think they will be happy to see the blades ripping them off from the womb?

Argument #6: Pro-life advocates are trying to force their beliefs on other people.

If this is true, why then do those who argue for abortion [are] forcing their beliefs to their unborn child in the womb? Or, what does this “belief” entail? Does it mean that the baby, though can’t speak for (or defend) itself, has no right to live?

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness—that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

– The Declaration of Independence.

“Currently the rights of some people are more “equal” than others are because their “liberty and the pursuit of happiness” apparently justifies taking the “life” of others.”

What, then, is the conclusion? As there are many things to write about regarding this subject; it is imperative we realise all unborn babies and indeed all men in the world, carry about the Imago Dei, that is, Image of God. God values human life. He is the sole giver of it and we’ve no right to take away an innocent life.

Do you think God is pleased by how we rejoice in the killing of babies; ah, let us think again and go back at those verses whence God is serious about human life, innocent lives. The wrath of God is upon us if we don’t repent.

“If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman’s husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life.”

– Exodus 21:22, 23.

I know you may be, just perhaps, should you be reading this article that is, among those who are guilty of this evil. Do not be discouraged. Though your scars remain; Christ still can and is willing to forgive and restore you, only if you’ll come before Him in true repentance.

This, too, applies for the doctor(s) who has/have availed themselves in this murder scheme.

Do not fear. Approach Him for He cares for you and can clearly see (and already knows) your shame and guilty conscience. I do not know how to comfort you other than offer you the gospel of grace, the grace of Christ. I do not have sophisticated words to tell you but to point you to your True and Able Physician—the Lord Jesus Christ!