On Sex

Photo by Womanizer WOW Tech on Unsplash.
Real talk. Netflix lies. Hollywood is horriblywood. Sex is never casual and should never be casual. God created sex. A gracious gift given to them that are bound in the sacred union of marriage, i.e., Male and female. 

Be aware of your view of sex lest the commie communion advice you otherwise. I mean, consider your times of living and what is passed across as normal.

What is sex? Sex is a gracious gift from God intended to the mutual satisfaction of them that come before God in vows of marriage and confess, "It is him! It is her, Father. None else shall I uncover their nakedness. I shall enjoy this ONE!"

Photo by Joey Nicotra on Unsplash.

But, you say, "I burn with passion. I cannot control myself. What do you say of my condition?"
I answer. It might be true you burn with passion. After all, I am not astonished. Thou art a man. Yea, there's no many answers on your condition but one. "What?" Marry! 

"But, you see, I have no one to marry. Is there no just cause as to let me enjoy this sex adventure and afterwards return to confess to God, as He will forgive me?" So you say.

Answer. Your response/objection shows you to be an ignorant fellow worthy of a stern rebuke. But I shall deal with you by way of question. Will you now dare sin with David and lack a repentance of him? You're wise and know how to apply.

Repentance is a hard thing. And, though God forgives; for your condition it seems likely He will discipline you for taking Him a fool.

Yea, you also said, "You've no one to marry." That might be true. So what must be done? If you'd sanctify your thoughts, yea, if you'd not seek to sin so as to think your forgiveness afterwards, you'd run to God to take your passions for a different course. But it seems your heart is heady in the matter of looseness.

But if thou art concerned for the matter, then, listen. The God who created that body of yours, yea, with those desires [though you let them rule you at sundry seasons] is the same God who can suppress/alter them to good application, only if thou asks and not play innocent yet know full well that your mind is fixed on doing evil.

But it is good to marry in general in the case of great passions that cannot be quenched but in marriage bed.
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash.

I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I. But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

– 1 Corinthians 7:8, 9.

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